The eagle climbs up

But the eagle climbs up yonder, builds her nest. How many times have I watched them through my binoculars, up in the top of the mountain. You ought to watch the eagle, and how she takes care to build her nest. She’ll go out and get great big sticks. She’ll go right to a little straight peak like this, just as high, there’s not a serpent; there’s nothing can get to her.

58-0500 – The Eagle Stirring Her Nest -  Rev. William Marrion Branham


And about that time, Abraham heard something behind him bleat. And he looked around, and there was a ram, male sheep, caught by its horns in the thicket. Where’d that ram come from? Think of it. He was a hundred miles from civilization, and he was way up on top of the mountain, where there’s no water or nothing for the ram. How did he get up there? No, it wasn’t a vision. It was a real ram.

55-1118 – The Faith Of Abraham


Maybe you might not have the spontaneous faith to bring something, just a miracle right to you. You may not have that kind of faith. But Jesus said, “If you had the faith like a mustard seed, you could say to the mountain, ‘Be moved,’ and by and by, it would come to pass.” It wouldn’t vanish it away. But by and by it would come to pass.

50-0818 – It Shall Be Even As It Was Told Me

Eagle of God

To be an eagle of God, you’ve got to follow the Word, day by day. You’ve got to continue, feed upon the Word.

65-0119 – The God Who Is Rich In Mercy

Accessibility is important — don’t forget image alt attribute

A prophet

But, a prophet is a seer, and is referred to, in the Bible, as the eagle who goes way high in the air. And higher you go, the farther you can see.

57-0120M – The Impersonation Of Christianity

Your nature

Like, many kinds of hills; like, many kinds of rivers, springs, lakes. They were here when you come here, first, because the kindness of your Heavenly Father placed them here. Because, some men likes mountains. Some people likes waters. Some likes deserts. So, you see, your coming, He knew your nature and what you would be, so He made it just the way that you could enjoy it. Oh! I think that’s a wonderful Father, see, know that He made it like this.

 65-1205 – Things That Are To Be

You likened Your prophets to them, to eagles, that had the eye of an eagle, could go way high and see things a long time before it got there.

   Rev. William Marrion Branham

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